Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Here's the deal...

Dear Artists of New York City:

Throughout my numerous conversations with others in my field recently, now more than ever there seems to be a growing sense of panic, fear and isolation that comes from trying to "survive and thrive" as artists in New York City.  While we ride this uncertain and yet weirdly exciting wave of opportunity, I hope this blog will help the greater good of art in NYC. With the creation of this blog I'd like to be able to pose questions and get answers from anything and everything to finding work, housing, dealing with debt and arts advocacy issues to finding free or cheap places to chill (if that's possible when you have no money) or simply finding funding sources and ways to showcase your art form. So let's get started....

Topic #1: EMPLOYMENT.  Like so many others here I'm a highly intelligent artist, well educated, incredibly resourceful and yet still unemployed - I don't want to settle for less by accepting the label "starving artist" anymore and neither should any of you! 

How are YOU finding work in New York City?

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